Do you know a disaster in the mine can be so disastrous that it could take away the entire profit of a mine and also lead to the closure of the mine? Can you imagine a company with a brilliant financial report, and a good financial position and asset? An unexpected mine accident occurs claiming virtually two-thirds of their belongings. That I can imagine!

An accident, mishap, or misadventure is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with a lack of intention or necessity. It results in negative outcomes which could be avoided or prevented, and the Mine accident is the one that occurs in the Mine.

It is a common slogan among anyone that understands the efficacy of safety practice in any organization "Safety First”. Indeed safety should come first. 

Here are some of the disasters of the past:

The disaster that occurred in the province of what we can refer to as modern-day China has been seen as the highest mine disaster in history claiming over 1500 lives in total. The Japanese administrator has been blamed for killing the Chinese laborers trapped in the region of disaster that got them killed from carbon monoxide poisoning. The bodies were later given mass burial.

In 1986, the Kinross Mine disaster in South Africa killed 177 people. In 2002, the La Espuela Coal Mine disaster killed 13 miners as a result of a flood that left them no option of death. 

In July 2020 amidst the heat of Covid-19, a landslide in Hpakant Jade Mine claimed 174 lives.

Recently in 2022, 41 personnel were killed in Turkish Mine Explosion. The list is endless.

I will recount my experience in the mine this year 2023, during this recently stopped Lithium rush. Some boys became victims of a wall collapse. They were buried by stockpiled overburden and they died instantly. An excavator was later used to remove their trapped bodies. 

Also an account of a fly rock that disembodied a man, flying miles away from the Mine. The picture is shown below. 

The list goes on and on.

A mine is a place where careful plans should precede any operation. The Mine design, Mine survey, Rock Mechanics, Mine ventilation, etc are all pointers on how to make the Mine safe. 
It should be known that the drill cuttings are not properly gathered or prevented from emission from transportation, drilling, and crushing poses harmful to workers and the environment. Fly rock as a result of design failure, negligence on the part of the driver to be careful while dumping, improper handling of the explosive, premature blasting, negligence of providing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for workers, negligence of not enforcing the use of PPE, wrong handling of equipment, leakages and spills of gasoline and fuel oil, improper storage of explosives, exposure to dangerous gases and chemicals, the collapse of mines stopes, flooding, and many more are the main causes of accidents in the mine. 

It would be noted that accidents don't just happen, they are mostly traced to negligence on the human part, or better put human error. 
It will be helpful if managers, supervisors, and all workers don't ignore danger, they have to be proactive to looming danger. Good communication and an upward review of Mine plan should be priorities. Regular training should be given to mine workers on safety tips. Enforcement of the use of PPE, and thorough supervision. Documentation of safety procedures should be well handled, and follow the safety standards. When an accident occurs in the Mine, it is important to report the case to the necessary quarters for investigation. 

On this note, I implore organizations to buy the idea of getting an ISO 14001 certificate for the mining industry. It is perhaps the pivotal certificate for the mining industry. The certificate empowers to characterize the extent of a management framework for business activities, beating the worldwide obstacles by standardization of products, and helping in customer loyalty. 

When an accident occurs in the mine, it is appropriate to report the accident to the necessary quarter for investigation. 
