Why can't we emulate colorado

State of emergency declared in gold mine wastewater spill. Guess where COLORADO!!
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper on Monday declared a "state of disaster emergency" over the acid which has been claimed to release over 11.3 millions of liter of toxic waste water from a gold mine. The governor also claim that the accident would cough out 500 000 Canadian dollars from the state fund.
Although signs of discoloured water are already seen by the residents living around the mine, but report shows that no immediate harm has been shown to there state of health. Kudos goes to the governor for immediate intervention. The residence has been advise to desist from further use of the water.

I sincerely appreciate a gesture from a governor which his quick response will not only save lives but increase the sustainable extraction of the heavy metal. 

Ogoni land
I live  in an environment where spill is very rampant. "Oil spill has nothing to do with the life of citizenry" you can imagine this sentence.  The government here has never seen any need for such quick response. If it has not degenerated to loss of several lives, no action is to be done.You start asking yourself questions like where is the government? Can anybody attend to what is happening? Politics seems to rule over the real truth of sustainability.  ogoni land is a case study. Several  oil spillage has happen in the time past, and no expiate action has been taken to revive the residents of the place.Ileave in a place where corruptible leaders see no reason to allocate funds to revive the place, but talk about condemning the action of spillage and alocation of funds that will not get to the victim. The truth is the livelihood of the people living there has been killed. No good water to drink, not wven food. majority of them are farmers that there means of livelihood is suffering. A lot of them has consumed benzene and gone to the world beyond. The spillage that covers the depth of about 5 meter from the surface. Tell me plant that can survive in such a condition. 
Dead land
Oil spill

Thanks to the recent government of MOHAMMED BUHARI who recently asked for the implement of environmental upkeep of the ogoni land. You can imagine the number of jobs this will create in that area.  You can imagine a problem that has lingered for many years just gradually getting off within a little time. 

I want to use this medium to congratulate the government of colorado gold mine for there quick response to this spills, and also give kudos to the government of nigeria for implementing the environmental upkeep of ogoni land.
