Contractual blasting is virtually what is in vogue now all over the world. Picture this! As an investor, I no longer put myself under the pressure of going through the
professional arm of managing a quarry. I easily tell the contractor the tonnage required per time, which is delivered without stress.
The major reason anyone would go into quarry operation/business is ro make profit by recovering as much valuable (quantity) materials from the deposit as possible at an economic level. It is therefore imperative that investors ensure that aproper channel of professionalism will entail maximum profit for the business intrest. It is not a gain say to emphasize that every profitable quarry site makes its profit base from the quarry pit where consideration is given to proper planning, good pit road network, costing, production consumables like fuel and lubricants, maintenace, drilling and blasting, geotechnical and technical assessment, mapping, and total tonnage of rock fragment after blasting to maximize recovery and minimize waste.

In today mining world, the use of contractors in handling some areas of the quarry cannot be overemphasize. No doubt contractors hhandling the quarry pit areas are seen has experts, proffessionals and well qualified in handling technical aspect of the pit. This contractual work has become a welcoming development which is in return has resulted to an increase in profit base of the companies putting it into practise, and has left the investors to only manage the production section and monetary aspect of the investment. What a great relief!

Every investor of a business in returns wants profit. Quarry busineess to so many has been seen as a profit makibg money, though it is capital intensive, the profit making side of this business has really blind folded so many not to see to the problem of having maximum recovery of profit from the business. This in return has possed a lot of challenge to the investor which has really brought about the clloosure of the business.
Failure not to use a well trained experts in the tecnicql and geotecnical aspect of the quarry has led to permanent closure of the quarry. Quacks in the business has really done damage to the skilled work thereby not bringing total recovery to the business. Lots of investors today celebrate mediocrity has a result of a little profit that takes alot of time to breakeven in the business. This can be treced to the reasons for closure of big capital outlay businesses that has gone down to the sink.


The fear of premature liquidation/closure of these quarries has given rise to contractual agreement between some expert companies to handle other aspect of the quarries like the quarry pit. The thought of total fragment recovery, powder factor determination at profit, mine planning and design, technical assessment of the mine operation, geotecnical frame wwork of the deposit amongst others, has given rooms for the business to allow the contractual compqnies to handle the quarry pit section, leaving the investors to production and monetary aspect of the business. The investor at a comfort, request for for an amount of tonnage which is expected of the contactor to deliver within a particular time frame. Although, you cant write out the fact that there are quarries that has no feasibility studies of the business viability, which the business is suppose to rest on has a road map. 
The danger of liquidation must stop and chance must be given to contractors to reduce the inability of the investors handling the geotecnical assessment of the quarry.
